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July 3, 1996


by Staff Journalists , The Daily Republican Newspaper

PALO ALTO DESK - Former Clinton White House Chief of Personnel Security, Craig Livingstone's resume was reported today, in the Washington Times, as coordinated Democratic "dirty tricks" carried out against President George Bush in the 1992 presidential campaign. Livingstone apparently submitted the 'dirty-tricks resume' pointing-out his accomplishments in harassing President Bush 1992 Presidential Campaign by picketing and wearing 'Pinocchio' or 'Giant Chicken' costumes and disrupting Bush speeches and press conferences. This conduct was submitted to the Clinton White House as supporting evidence of Livingstone's qualification for the chief of Clinton White House security job. Apparently the "resume" was reviewed by senior Clinton White House officials and approved.

William F. Clinger (R) chair of the House committee investigating the FBI files fiasco, said Livingstone's testimony to Congress about his White House job contradicts sworn testimony about his relationship with senior Clinton adviser George Stephanopoulos.

The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee is investigating the Clinton White House FBI files scandal, out of which it has been disclosed to the public that Livingstone and an a U.S. Army detailee improperly received and reviewed the background files on employees from Republican administrations.

In a terse letter to Clinton, Chairman Clinger told the President that top White House officials apparently have lied about Livingstone's hiring. And that Livingstone had lied to the Oversight panel about his own security clearance to review sensitive FBI background files on current and former presidential aides.

Secret Service records confirm that Livingstone did not receive a security clearance until December of 1995. However, Livingstone testified last week that he reviewed sensitive FBI background files well before Clinton obtained Livingstone's security clearance.

Clinger told the President that the Stephanopoulos claim that "... the late Vincent Foster was responsible for hiring Mr. Livingstone ... is unsubstantiated."

Meanwhile a former Rose Law Firm partner of Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was appointed Associate White House Counsel, William H. Kennedy III, testified before the oversight committee last week that he hired Mr. Livingstone. The Washington Times reported today that officials of the FBI said they complained to Kennedy about problems in Livingstone's background that would have prevented him from obtaining clearance for the sensitive position.

In a form of corroboration that Kennedey failed to supervise Livingstone, two other witnesses have appeared. One is Dennis Sculimbrene who was interviewed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The second is former Bush-Clinton White House FBI agent, Gary Aldrich who has said they were ignored by Kennedy on the grounds that Hillary Rodham Clinton wanted Livingstone to be hired as personnel security director.

It was also reported by the Times that White House payroll records etablished that "... Livingstone was appointed March 10, 1993, as 'assistant to the counsel to the president (security)' at $45,000 a year. The records show he was paid retroactively to Feb. 8th, 1993.

From the records reviewed by the oversight Committee, Clinger told the President, it now appears that Livingstone communicated directly with Stephanopoulos when seeking advancement while employed at the White House.

In a previous public statement on ABC News Sunday, Stephanopoulos that he barely knew Livingstone ..."

Meanwhile, Stephanopoulos was quoted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper that Ligingstone " ... does a terrific job. ... And he knows how to cut through the bureaucracy and get things done."

Meanwhile, Bill Archer(R) chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, on Tuesday asked White House Counsel John M. Quinn to provide details on tax information sought by Clinton aides from the Internal Revenue Service on current, prospective and former White House employees. Archer has also asked the IRS whether individuals whose tax information was sought had signed privacy waivers, as required by law and if any fired White House employees had been the subject of tax audits since January 1, 1993.


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