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December 9, 1996


by Staff Journalists, The Daily Republican Newspaper

WASHINGTON DESK - California senator Diane Feinstein(D) warned California taxpayers on Friday, that California cannot meet new welfare demands, citing large numbers of recipients and not enough jobs.

GOP leadership has made it known that they have no intention of tinkering with newly passed welfare reform. However, Feinstein said on Friday she will work to amend the law next year to release California from federal requirements it cannot possibly meet.      

At a breakfast session to outline her legislative agenda for the 105th Congress, Feinstein warned that some provisions of the new welfare law could have a devastating impact on the nation's largest state unless they are revised.      

After interviews with welfare directors in 21 counties, Feinstein said, she determined that ambitious federal requirements cannot be accomplished in California. Feinstein indicated that she had decided that the state would not be able to provide the 160,000 jobs needed in California. 'How we produce these jobs, I don't know,' Feinstein said.      

Feinstein's response to the Welfare Reform Bill signed by president Clinton is a bold admission by the Senator that she will not support the Clinton reform measure.

Many welfare recipients have come to believe they are not employable because of infirmities. Although, millions of California residents do work and do remain productive in spite of their with infirmities.  

Feinstein also makes excuses for California welfare recipients with children. She said that those welfare recipients who are employable will be hampered by lack of child care services, and, therefore, they should not be required to work.

Underlying senator Feinstein's failure to protect California citizens' right to work, said she wants federal benefits paid to non-citizen elderly and disabled welfare recipient already in the California before president Clinton signed the Welfare Reform Bill.

Feinstein offered no California statistical data to offer in support of he contentious public statements. The senator's staff has complained of difficultly gathering statistics on child care and other welfare-related issues from state agencies.

Feinstein has placed herself in conflict with her president, and with her State's governor Pete Wilson(R). Sources in Washington are speculating that Feinstein's announcements is just another demagogue starting a campaign based on fear in order to align supporters on the left such as illegal aliens, and other welfare recipients to work to elect her as California Governor, in the coming year.


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