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Selected Op-Ed Columns
of Kaye Grogan

Wednesday May 5, 1999

Chinese Art of War
A sly fox ends up in Los Alamos
and the chickens come home to roost.

By Kaye Grogan, Contributor

     WASHINGTON - What happens when a sly fox is in charge of "guarding" the Hen House? The sly fox ends up in the Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico, when the chickens come home to roost and we learn that U.S. nuclear secrets have been nibbled away by China, through a transferral of more than 1,000 files. Later Wen Ho Lee, a Tiawan-born scientist accused of the "espionage" tried unsuccessfully to eradicate the incriminating data.
     Senator Orrin Hatch, Republican of Utah, stated that some of our most top secrets have been compromised. He added: It's very apparent we haven't taken counterintelligence measures or matters very seriously in this administration. He acknowledged that this type of "national security" threat had escalated dramatically in the last two, three, or four years.
     The possible arrest of Mr. Lee is pending. He'll have ample time to get out of Dodge. There might even be a 747 waiting...along with a couple of million to tide him over, on a beautiful deserted island somewhere.
     By the time he gets the "payoffs" (if he's not already basking and wallowing around in the greenery) from about 12 countries (including Russia and India) for the delicate, yet deadly weapons formula, he should be set for life! Don't be too surprised if one day America is blown off of the map! Once destructive information is in the greedy hands of "warmongers" there's no "magic wand" to wipe away yesterday and start over.
     Senator Christopher Dodd, a Democrat from Connecticut, stated that if the allegations are true, this is "inexcusable" and some heads should roll. Looks like a lot of potential "bowling balls" in the house... hoping for anything but a "strikeout" at their expense! Back as far as November, senior administrative officials were given the report outlining the procedures used by China to penetrate computers in the weapons labs.
     This important data was handed over to Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen, Attorney General Janet Reno and National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger. Evidently these people like to "sweep' the rug and then amass the dust underneath the rug!
     Governmental officials waited until March, four months later to search the computer of Wen Ho Lee. Mr. Lee was allowed to remain in his position for three years after the investigations started, without receiving any type of reprimand, while more deserving of a pink slip! He continued to have access to vital top secret codes and received his salary as if he was a top notch employee. How accommodating!
      Maybe it's time for another "governmental" refresher course or seminar to update those in government about the "fundamental basics" in governing effectively. Apparently many have grown "lax" in their responsibilities, especially in securing the "safety" of the American people.
     Now that the "cat is out of the bag" the "can of worms" is opened and the "self-destruct" button is only one step away from activation...who is going to return "national security" back to the United states? We can't count on "Superman" to fly in to save us, and all of the wishes have been used up by the "Genie" and President Bill Clinton appears to be too busy trying to save his own neck to help us! Besides he's passing the buck around to any and everyone he can find, but the buck stopped with him!
      So, it looks like America is "dangling" by a small thread...that's just about ready to snap and send everyone plummeting down the mountainside.

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