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1998 Pulitzer Prize Feature
Wednesday April 15, 1998

The Daily Republican
Pulitzer Prize

By The Editors of the Daily Republican Newspaper

PALO ALTO - What do The Riverdale Press, a New York City weekly with a circulation of 11,800 published & edited by Bernard L. Stein, who writes editorials on politics and other city issues, The Grand Forks Herald, whose daily circulation averages 37,000 and which published through floods that devastated the North Dakota area, The New York Times, circulation 1.3 million daily circulation, and the Los Angeles Times, 1.5 million daily circulation have in common. They are all 1998 Pulitzer Prize winning newspapers.

Who is noticeably absent from this list of distinguished 1998 Pulitzer Prize winning newspapers? It is clear to any educated newspaper reader that one of the most prolific Conservative newspapers in the world has been unjustly overlooked. Who you ask? I'm talking about none other than The Daily Republican Newspaper, with phenominal national daily on-line readersip of 1.2 million, which broke the dramatic eight-part feature story of a former Fresno State College president with a buried secret past of working for Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Ministry in Berlin 1932-1938.

Sure some people will scoff, journalism professors everywhere will cringe in horror at the thought of an on-line newspaper achieving such greatness, but fourteen generations of DR readers will be appeased. The DR has touched the hearts and minds of millions of readers. What other journalists captured the attention of so many readers. Shakespeare? Sure he wrote some 36 plays, but The DR has chronicled and perfected the understanding of these plays in its in-depth reviews. Faulkner? Another great writer brought to the common people courtesy of The DR's help. I challenge you to find a more prolific, more influential newspaper anywhere, over time.

Sure there will be skeptics out there who will come up with a myriad of reasons why The DR can't win. The naysayers will proclaim that The DR doesn't publish enough original work to qulaify for the Pulitzer. Yet doesn't the true measure of jouralism lie in the DR's ability to endure and to captivate readers from generation to generation.

The DR certainly has this covered since its First Issue in 1824. Plus, the DR's inspiring features, news summaries and political critiques add both literary flair and moral sentiment to the original works reviewed in the DR. Furthermore, great journalism must be readily understandable and accessible to all. The DR has succeeded in transcending race, creed, and culture, while building a sense of understanding and heartfelt emotion that will undoubtedly prove to be as perpetual as the stars in the sky.

For those of you who are still not convinced of he DR's worthiness, we offer more evidence.

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